Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Blog Friends and Joy

The more I blog, the more amazed I am with the people I meet.
The personalities, talents, willingness to share, hearts to pray, thoughtfulness in sending cards, and gifts...just because.

Some of the connections cannot be coincidental.
I feel God has set people in my life that I truly need to encourage, and nurture me along this road I'm on.

This year is the year of JOY for me.
I am consciously seeking joy each day.
Even in the midst of sorrow.....I will look for an ounce of joy that will lift me up out of the depths of sadness I might be experiencing on a particular day.

There have been times when I can honestly say that my joy came from a blogger.
Sometimes, from someone I just met as a new follower, or a blogger that I am getting to know better. Or someone that I've known since I started blogging.

It might just be a word of encouragement. 
Other times, it comes as an email from a friend that really knows my heart. This person knows me, and relates to my situations. She's able to be open, and honest with her advice, and her love.
This kind of blogger friend was definitely Heaven sent.

I appreciate all of you that visit here at my little cottage at the lake.
Your comments are treasured.
I read them all!!
This IS the year of JOY here at Lakehouse.
I hope I pass that along to you as we go along this journey together in the seasons of 2014.
Have a joyful afternoon.



  1. I love sharing your joy! I hope you are able to find it easily every single day. I do believe that God is such a big part of blogging. He knows we need each other.

  2. Awwwww, such beautiful and heartfelt words Debbie! I'm so glad you're finding joy in your life:) Because it is short and we are blessed to have what we have. I too, have met many wonderful friends through blogging.

    Your cottage is so beautiful...cozy, warm and welcoming:) Hugs sweet gal!

  3. Debbie, I feel that God blessed me when we started blogging . I think of your kind encouraging words, when my daughter had her cancer. You helped me so much. So you are special to me and my Lizzy. blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  4. God puts people in our lives for a reason - some times for a short time and other times for a long while . I have been blessed with some special friends thru blogging - like you. I pray you find joy in every day. xo

  5. Would that I could just slip into your sweet bed of roses!!!

  6. What a great post, Debbie! You yourself are a spreader of joy here in blog land, with your encouraging words and sweet spirit! And I totally agree that God puts people in our path for a reason, weather we meet them here in blog land or elsewhere. Love your gorgeous bedroom, I would have a hard time getting out of bed, it looks so cute and cozy! Have a Joyful night!

  7. Do you know how much JOY you bring to all of us, sweet sis?? :) Your honesty, your creativity, your thoughtfulness, and your prayerful soul is such a huge blessing. LOVE YOU!!!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Oh, Debbie- YOU are one of MY biggest blogging joys here in blogland. I have so enJOYed getting to know and love you. You are a special woman-one who has been through trials and illnesses that would have robbed a lot of people from any JOY they might have...but not you! YOU have a JOYful heart and I am overJOYed that I know you!!! Love you sistah! xo Diana

  9. Beautiful photos to go with your beautiful post today!!

  10. You pass that joy forward in your blog, Debbie. Along with inspiration and smiles.
    Thank YOU!
    Big Hugs,

  11. Blog Land is a wonderful place to meet new friends and build relationships! I just wish we all lived closer, you know, to meet IRL!!! The room above is lovely! Blessings, Cindy

  12. Whew! At first I thought you were closing down for good! I would miss you so much, you are one of my most favorite bloggers. I'm so relieved that you'll continue with a new blog and like someone else said, I hope you keep the old one up because of all the memories, or at least wait a while in case you wish you still had it to go back to. You have inspired me so much and I can't imagine the blogging world without you. I know I feel differently now about my blog than I did when I started. At first I wanted followers and comments, now I don't really care. I'm finding that I like to post what I'm working on and the treasures I find for ME! If no one is interested that's okay. Like I said before in an email to you, I enjoy looking back at a certain post in my blog and thinking, "oh ya, that's where I found that or that's what we were doing that day so many years ago". It's becoming more like a record or sort of a picture journal for me.
    I can't wait to see your new blog!!!!!
