Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What's up with these colors????

If you read my last post, you know how I love RA Simply Shabby Chic bedding.
I just happened to stop at a Tarjay store today, armed with my charge card.
I found myself in the bedding department.....imagine that.

I'm always looking at the romantic quilts by RA.
They are usually the white ones, or pinks with large roses on them.
For some reason, this blue quilt, with the small flowers, caught my eye right away.
It's not my usual style at all!!!

They had it paired with the RA tiny rose bud sheets....which I already had.
I don't get myself.
Why am I suddenly turning to the pastels?
I've always decorated with white....ALL white!!!!
Is this just a passing phase?
Whatever it is, I really like this quilt.
I can always pull the white one out whenever I get bored with the colors....right?

Even the furniture is changing!
I found this sweet table recently.
It's a very pale green. Just enough to show up against the white walls.
I guess we will see how far this goes......
Thank you for stopping by.

Monday, July 29, 2013

My linen cupboard.

Good Monday morning!
Welcome to my Lakehouse cottage that seems to be getting "shabbier" as the days pass. Is "shabbier" a word?
It doesn't matter, you know what I mean.

While shopping at TJMax yesterday I found a bar of lavender soap.
Like I don't have enough lavender in the house...hmmm.
It's wrapped so pretty, and smells so heavenly. I just couldn't resist.

I added the bar to the top of the linen cupboard that's in our bedroom.
Isn't it funny how a little thing like a bar of soap can put such a big smile on our face?
It just adds to the fragrance of the other lavender soaps in the the ones that Donna, from My Shabby Chateau, brought back from France for me. Also, the soaps that Gail, from Where the Moon Sleeps, sent to me from across the BIG POND. 

Mmmmm....there's nothing like the scent of lavender for me.
I love tucking homemade sachets in with the line-dried sheets to help you drift off to sleep on a summer's night.

See what I mean about things going "shabbier" around here?
The first aisle I visit at Tarjay is the RA Shabby Chic linen aisle.
Sparks fly off my charge card when I check out! because I don't just buy the sheets. I don't know how many more quilts I need...we only have three bedrooms!!!!!
I don't buy clothes, or shoes....I buy linens...vintage, and RA. Oh yeah, I like big earrings, too.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pretty in Pink.

I drove down to my favorite store today to pick up the buffet that the owner had redone for me.
The store is Simply Charmed in Gladwin, Michigan.
The owner is so talented, and just as sweet as pie.
She showed me this piece that she had at her house.
It needed some repairs, and paint.
I got to pick out the color of chalk paint that I wanted, and when it was finished, she called to let me know it was ready.

Isn't she beautiful?!
I picked out a very pale pink.
Very odd for me, since almost everything here at my cottage is white.
I'm finding myself adding more pastels lately.

There's a mirror I'm going to check into for over the buffet. It's at another of my favorite shops here at the lake.

My furniture is such a mish-mash of styles...but I've never cared.
As long as it's shabby, I love it!
This little lady seems to fit with the rest of my decor.
So all I have to say is....Welcome Home!
I'll be joining these parties for Friday: Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday. Also Kerryanne for Shabbilicious Friday at Shabby Art Boutique, and Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Hope to see you there!

Friday, July 19, 2013

What says Summer to you?

What says Summer at your house?
Here at the Lakehouse, nothing says Summer like seashells on a sunny windowsill. 

The sound of a sea glass wind chime singing songs in the Summer breezes. 

The sun coming through the gorgeous blues of my collection of Mason Jars that sit on the window sills.

Hanging whites on the line to dry.

Lighting tea lights in the lantern in the evening.

Watching as each flower unfolds.


Digging up more earth to make room for more flowers, and another garden.
What says Summer to you? Swimming, heat, humidity? Vacation?
Whatever it is...I hope you are enjoying this season of sunshine, and hopefully fun, and memories.
It seems to be going by way too fast for me here at my cottage. Even with all of the heat, and humidity, I am enjoying this Summer of 2013. I hope you are, too!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Little blessings on a Sunday afternoon.

What a gorgeous day here at the lake.
Living on the water has it's advantages.

There are so many bumble bees in the gardens. They are very difficult to get a good picture of, however.

The dragon flies are definitely NOT camera shy.

I'm sorry about the fuzzy picture.
I was trying to hurry to get this little guy.

Another bumbler.

This little princess seemed to prefer the pink flowers.
Everyone else was busy with all of the other she just kept to herself.
I think I'll go back outside to enjoy more little wonders out in the gardens.
I sincerely hope your Sunday has been as much of a blessing as mine has been....and it's not over*wink.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The gardens at sunset.

The sun was going down, and I just finished cleaning up after a day of working in the gardens.
Pulling weeds, moving plants to other spots, putting in new roses, and giving some perennials a new home.

I grabbed my camera, and thought I'd show you how things look here at sunset.

The hollyhocks are in full bloom.
They look beautiful in the evening hours.

I think Mr. L should back off on the fertilizer!
The plants are not only VERY tall...some of the flowers are VERY large!!! about Land of the Giants!!
I hope you are having a fun weekend!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Enjoying Summer!

I don't think I've enjoyed my gardens more than I have this Summer.
The Winter seemed to last so long here at my cottage at the lake.
Now that things are blooming, I just can't seem to get enough of all of the flowers

I apologize that my posts are all about the gardens here at the Lakehouse.
The growing season here is just so short, I don't seem to have enough time for my favorite hobby.

I know I keep talking about my Secret Garden, and you are probably getting bored with it by now.
Today I took a few shots of the middle of the garden.

The brick path will go right through the middle here, and out the gate.
I'm still waiting for the rest of the Hollyhocks to open.
There are LOTS of buds on the Roses, too.
It's time to water everything.
I hope you are enjoying your Summer as much as I'm enjoying mine.

Friday, July 5, 2013

A few Hollyhocks....

Well look who finally decided to wake up.
Little by little the Hollyhocks are opening up.
The colors are just as pretty as ever!

So many have decided to sleep late this year.
When they all wake up, the garden will be an amazing sight!

Once everyone wakes up, there is a grand garden party.
The bumblebees, hummingbirds, and garden fairies all join in.
As the breeze causes the Hollyhocks to sway, it seems to set the whole garden in motion. 
Everyone gets caught up in the joyful mood, and they swirl, and dance into the night.
The swirling sends sweet scents up through the air, causing sleepy children to drift off to sleep to the fragrance of Lavender, and Roses.
It all takes place in the Secret Garden that's inside the Hollyhock garden....*wink.