Monday, October 23, 2017

Good Changes....

Hello, and welcome.
It truly has been a beautiful Fall here at Lakehouse.
The weather has been warm, and the skies have been sunny.
That kept the roses blooming for quite a while, which kept me happy.

Rain was predicted for this week, so yesterday was spent up the fairy garden, and bringing in all the yard décor.

We've gotten so much rain from last night into this morning, there are actually flood watches posted in the surrounding areas for today. I guess Mother Nature stored up all the moisture this Fall for this week!!!

The toile curtains from the dining room are now hanging in the living room. They look nice in there with the shabby French accents.
I purchased RA blush pink, shabby chic curtain panels for the dining room.
They are a nice fit with the Limoges dishes, French chairs and chandelier.
I like them as a back drop for the pale pink buffet, as well. 

Working at the elementary school has been a change for me.
Being a teacher's aide has been fun, and challenging.
Things are so different from when my girls were going to school!!
I am totally out of the loop!!

It has taken me a while to get to a place where I can just accept where I am in this chapter of my life.
My girls don't need me to take care of them like they used to....and that has been difficult for me.
Yet, that is what I prayed for as they were growing up. For them to find someone to be a good mate for them. Someone who would help take care of their needs, and love them unconditionally.
As the grand kids get older, they aren't as infatuated with me as when they were younger. They don't run into my arms when I arrive at their they did when they were little. They don't cry when I leave anymore.
I remember wanting to live closer to all of the point of being severely depressed.
This past year, something changed.
I see them happy. I see them living their lives, and doing things that bring them joy.
When I visit them, I leave feeling uplifted.
I come home, unpack, and plan my week....working at school, kayaking, gardening, visiting with my best friend, baking and cooking for my husband, playing with my rabbits,  etc.
I still have purpose. God still has a plan for my life.
I am still a wife, mom, and grandma.
So.....even though some things change....they kind of stay the same.


  1. Debbie, you and I are experiencing the same situations. We were so heavily invested in the birth and growth of the quadruplets - and during the 52 days Amber spent in the hospital - and on through these last 5 years. Now they are in school all day 5 days a week for most of the year. Now we are free to invest in other areas of our life. So we are spending more of our time in the country with Dean and Sherry.....My husband’s son and his wife. Plus I’m painting more and we’re doing things we didn’t have time to do before. However, it’s still kind of melancholy for the kids to grow up!
    The quads FaceTimed us yesterday and Kailey said, “Meemaw, you’re missing all the FUN of us!”
    I love all your beautiful photos! Your place is so soft and romantic......I just love it!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I am in the same place in life. Kids and Grand kids all grown up and living their lives. Now it is time for Me and Hubby.

  3. Debbie, this is so sweet. You are such a lucky person to have a loving family and they will always need you no matter what. I guess we all learn to adjust and count our blessings.


  4. Glad you realize that maybe you are now where your suppose to be. I just cut some roses tonight and brought them in!

  5. Hi Debbie
    Such a beautiful Post* I am so happy that you are in a good place. It sure sounds like your days are lovely. Your pictures are beautiful. I love how sweet all the pumpkins are in your gorgeous home. It sure has been a fabulous Fall here also. I love Fall though, the air is so crisp and the flowers are still so pretty. Enjoy this glorious day my friend

  6. Hi Debbie
    Glad that you are finding happiness and new purpose in your life:) Sometimes life doesn't turn out the way we planned, and it's so easy to get hung up on that, rather than look at the blessings right in front of us (I'm talking about myself here!). Your buffet and pumpkins are so pretty!
    We had a beautiful fall here in MI, didn't we? Until today it's been feeling just like summer!

  7. I know just how you feel. My daughter moved out of state last year and my son got married last month. Fortunately he and his wife are living with us for 3 more weeks until they sign the papers on the house they bought. That's kind of helped the transition, but I am dreading them leaving. My house will feel quiet and empty after 28 years of kids and noise. I kind of want to sit and cry.

    Your house looks beautiful as usual. xo

  8. They say we should bloom where we are planted and it sounds as if you are doing just that. Things change but we each have a purpose in our own unique ways. I love your windows and the curtains. Here I moved into a place with window blinds and I don't like them at all but to put up curtains would be a big expense I'm not prepared to make so I endure them. Still I have a lovely view of trees all around the house, so I count myself blessed.

  9. Dearest Debbie, Your home is lovely and reflects the beautiful heart you carry inside you my friend. Yes, change happens at every stage of life. It sounds like you are embracing it well and finding the joy in knowing you raised your children to go forward and that is such a blessing. Enjoy your teaching position and fun times ahead. Sending you big friendship hugs. xo

  10. Hi sweet Debbie, So glad to see this post. You have decorated in a beautiful style. Love the fall décor. All the roses from your own gardens. Debbie, I miss all those sweet times you mentioned , with my family too. Remember for two years Emma was here so much, I became very attached to her. Now she's 13 and never spends the night or even visits. I do go there and get my hugs.:) You will see it all in the schools today. I visit my daughter's class at Christmas and hear all the tales and see all those faces. Some need hugs and some need to stand in the corner. LOL. Wishing you the very best. Love you, blessings always, xoxo, Susie

  11. Your fall decor is lovely. Hope you fill your home with friends and family.

  12. Love your decor, and ditto on your post. I'm at the same spot in life, but my daughter is next door. So I get to see my granddaughter frequently. My grandson lives in LA, and I haven't seen him since May. November he will come home for Thanksgiving. Can't wait!!

  13. Your fall decors are such romantic and Your home is very cozy. Enjoy Your teaching position!
    Hugs Alessandra

  14. Dear Debbie your sweet home is filled with such loveliness and beauty and it's so cozy and welcoming. I'm glad that you are working outside the home now although it surely will be different working as a teacher's aide and seeing this generation of children. I'm sorry about the rough year you had trying to adjust to the changes in life and I can feel a bit of that myself as my own children are growing up and are in college right now and the house is a lot quieter as they're not here much anymore. But each change comes with a different season and you're right it's more time to do the things that you and your husband want to do. Each change has its Joys and its Sorrows I think. I hope the Lord blesses your time at the school and I know you will be an encouragement to the kids that you are teaching! Love and hugs!!
