Sunday, February 9, 2020

Will you be Mine?

Remember how important Valentines Day was when you were a child?
Especially when you were in grade school?

Everyone made their own box to receive all of the Valentines we expected to receive from our classmates.
It was decorated as beautifully as we could possibly make it.
Hearts cut out of red, pink, and white construction paper.
If we were lucky....paper doilies!

I always made sure I had a card for each, and every classmate....even the ones that the other kids considered too weird to receive a Valentine.
I knew how sad it made me feel to be shunned. To feel, not cool enough to be included.

There were "classes" within every class.
My family was too poor to be in the "upper class".
We had eight kids in our family.
We didn't have the best clothes, or shoes, or other things to help us "fit in" with the most popular kids.

That fact was apparent at special days like Valentines Day.
It was heartbreaking.

Sparing our children and grandchildren from the pain of rejection can be avoided.
Tell them about Jesus.
Let them know that God knit them together in their mothers womb exactly as He desired them to be.
That He loves them so very much, He sent Jesus to reconcile them to Himself......from sin and death.
How Jesus will never leave them, nor forsake them.
That God's love for them is unconditional.
Once they confess their sin, He is faithful and just to forgive them their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness.
They do not have to earn God's's a gift!!
Jesus is their Best Friend!!!
Valentine cards are pretty and fun, but a heart for God is forever.


  1. Amen! Having Jesus in my heart, is the best Valentine ever. And it's forever! Thanks for this beautiful post and the memories it brought.

  2. What a beautiful thoughts, words and images.

  3. I always try to tell them HOW unique and special they are. All made in Gods tender loving care. They are so SPECIAL.

  4. What a sweet post. I remember going through the box of cards we would buy and addressing, as you did, one card to each member of class---and trying not to give a too mushy one to the guys in the early It is a fun memory. Good advice for the children with all the social media..I bet kids can be really not so nice, sometimes. Hope your Day is very perfect. the decor and lace..always..

  5. Such a beautiful visual post but you are so right we must encourage our children to know the love of God and walk with him.

  6. Love your thoughts and words in this post Debbie. They stopped this in my granddaughter's schools so other kids would not be left out or feel they needed to buy valentines and give them out. I think it is good they do not do the valentines anymore. We give the girls sweet treats on Valentines day and their mom and dad do too. So that is a good thing. Have a great new week.

  7. I remember those days well, Debbie. We were farm kids in a town school and I never felt like I belonged there...and then had to switch schools and it was even worse. You are right about looking for affirmation with God. xo Diana

  8. I love all the vintage cards and the victorian hearts for S.Valentine's day. Beautiful words too.

  9. I remember in school giving valentines to all our classmates. I wish I had some of those vintage cards that we gave out.
    Your photos and message is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hello. What sweet memories this brought back! I have always loved Valentines Day, and I also did not want to leave any of my classmates out either. And all I have been thinking about today is how He has fashioned each of our hearts individually Psalm 33:15. And we can love, because He first loved us! I want to be bold yet quiet in a day that seems so distracted! His love will sustain us, can we share that truth with our own and then the stranger?
    Happy Valentines Day... Love, Roxy xoxo

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