Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It's in the details.

Good morning!
And what a lovely morning it is at my cottage here at the lake.

For some reason, my eyes are wide open today.
I'm seeing the "details".
Sometimes I take for granted the blessings, and beauty that abounds around me....
I'm looking a little closer today, and paying attention to what's going on in my world.

I've been blessed with so much.
I'm not talking about the material things of life. Although God has given me the things that bring me joy in that area of my heart as well.

The relationships that He has birthed in my life are the "things" that I am looking at in depth this morning.
I find those born of the Spirit, are the ones that have lasted through the good AND the bad times.
The friendships that have all the details.

Do you have a friend that you don't see often?  But when you get together, you pick up right where you left off the last time you were together? A person that you can say anything to, and she understands? Someone that loves you, no matter what?

Do you have a family member that is just as much a best friend, as they are a sister, or mother, or daughter, or any form of relative?  or even your husband??? giggle.

There are so many things that I unintentionally miss.
Like complimenting a friend on her hair, her smile, or how much I love her laugh.....details...her sweet spirit.
I need to get back to communicating my feelings to the people I care about.

Tell them that they are a blessing in my life.
That I love them.
Make sure my grandchildren know that every little thing they do, and every detail about them brings me joy.
That brings me to you, dear blogging friends.
Thank you for visiting here at the Lakehouse. I appreciate all of your kind comments to the posts, and photos. I feel I have found you to be kindred spirits.....blessings, and very encouraging.
Blogging gathers you into a new community of people....one that I enjoy being a part of.  xo


  1. I know exactly what you're talking about, sis. ♥ Sometimes we can get so caught up in "life" that we miss the tiniest of blessings ~~ a look, a smile, a quick hug, some small chore that's done w/out asking, a little note, a kind word. So I want you to know that you are loved. Deeply. Simply. Completely! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  2. Love you and your spirit. You are so awesome. Just wanted you to know. ;)

  3. Awwwww, that's so touching. Yes we are kindred spirits. I love my blogger friends, just as much as friends i actually see in person sometimes. Being grateful is such nice energy to put out there...


  4. I agree with you...there is such beauty in the little things and these small things can fill our hearts to the brim! I, too, feel a closeness and bond with many of my blogger friends, you included, and I'm forever grateful!


  5. Oh I loved this post Debbie!I love reading other's heart's. I came over tho thank you for your beautiful comment and found a treasure in your words today. Along with your thoughts are the photos of your beautiful home and then as I scrolled down to see what I had missed here I wanted to tell you how beautiful your swing and garden look. I also loved the porch that you have dressed so lovely. I love the ruffled curtain out there!
    Thank you for your friendship dear friend.
    many hugs..

  6. What a wonderful post, Debbie! As always, you have such insight into matters of the spirit and heart. Your photos are just gorgeous! I love your bird cage, and the angel in the first pic is gorgeous! Is she new? And I am in love with your darling little concrete girl, so sweet! Have a great day, we appreciate you too!!

  7. That is so true Debbie ! it's so important to let people know they are appreciated and loved .
    It's good to be grateful ! sending you love and appreciation across "the pond" !!
    Happy midsummer...Gail x

  8. Debbie, I tried to remember to say nice things ...especially to friends and family. If I see a little girl and she is looking at her shoes...I say "I love your shoes" most often they smile about that. I tell my g.kids nice things about them , that i love. So Debbie, may I say what a beautiful person you are inside and out. You sent cards of prayers to my daughter and to me while my Lizzy was fighting breast cancer. That meant the world to us. My God always bless you. xoxo,Susie

  9. Hello Debbie!!!
    I agree we do take everything for granted and we need to express ourselves to the people we love and care about.
    When I started blogging in 2010 you were one of the first "friend I found here. Thank you so much for being my friend and I think of you often.
    Suzann ~xoxo~
