Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blogging break.

Good morning!
It's been a frustrating few days for me.  I could NOT get blogger to upload any pictures to my blog here at the lakehouse...grrrrrr.
After many attempts, I finally just gave up and thought my blogging days were over.
Much to my surprise, this morning everything seems to be working okay.

 So there won't be any new pictures today, just random shots, and thoughts.
The weather here has been gorgeous! Indian Summer for sure, since we had a frost a few days ago.
I doubt this warmth and sunshine will last too much longer, but I'll take what I get for as long as I get it.

 The leaves in northern Michigan are reaching their peak...beautiful! The sad part is they will be dropping fast and furious from now until Halloween.
 Decorating for the Autumn season used to be an obsession with me. For some reason, this year, I'm not pulling out all of my usual crates, boxes, and totes full of pumpkins, ghosts, wreaths, etc.
Maybe it's because I'm working more hours, or because the grand kids won't be coming up as much to visit...they are in sports now, and weekends are filled with meets, and games.  Maybe I'm just too lazy to haul everything out...ummmm...that very well could be it!!!
Anyhooooo....I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather, and all of the sites and scents that Autumn brings. 
Time for me to shower, and get ready for another day at the pharmacy.
So glad to be back with my blogging friends!


  1. Glad your back up and running, it is temperamental is it not?? Sounds wonderful in Michigan, I haven't been too far from home in the last few weeks, but am going "leaf seeing" this weekend. Have a great day Debbie:)

  2. Yeah! Glad this stupid blogger is agreeing with you again- I hate it when it won't work.
    I can't believe your leaves are peaking! We don't have any yellows or oranges yet. We have been very dry from August to now- so we may not have color, but it's been way too warm and the sap is still up!
    My kids insist that we decorate- tried to get out of it several years ago- they were grown and no grandkids-I thought what's the point?
    They were very upset with me.
    Still have to do the inside.
    Hugs- Tete

  3. Glad everything is up and running! Enjoy the day!

  4. Loved the pictures.... and gasped when I saw your header.. Wow..... SOOOOO Beautiful.

    Warm blessings,

  5. Well, what the hey! I loved all the photos anyhow! Beautiful post and I too love the header photo. Dreaming....... Enjoyed visiting here!

  6. I have days like that too. My internet is usually much better when I'm at my camper though than it is at home. The photos are beautiful. I love your lake house. Since I don't go to work anymore, I have all the time I want to decorate and started in September...and I will keep adding things at home for Thanksgiving and then take it all down to do Christmas. It was very nice here today and we're to have warmer weather and sun all weekend now. We haven't had a frost yet, but it does seem we are being blessed with an Indian Summer.

  7. Hey sweet sis! I'm SO glad that Blogger decided that you were a keeper. We DO NOT want to lose you, girl! lol! I loved your photos today, Debbie. So pretty. Wow...that's not like you not to haul out all your seasonal stuff....but it seems like you're just enjoying/hanging on to the white like I am. We just don't want to upset the "summertime" feel we have in our homes, do we? :) And that's okay! I'm loving the constant 'vacation' refuge atmosphere and refuse to let anything interfere with it. :) Yay to this weather, huh? LUV IT!!!!!! Miss you, too.....

    Smooches - xoxo laurie

  8. The leaves on your header are beautiful. Did you take that shot? I sure do miss all the color changes.

    I had some issues with blogger too. But it worked itself out I guess.

  9. I've been having problems with blogger today...none of the blogs that I follow are showing up when I open blogger up...hope it is fixed soon.
    Loved looking at all your randon shots...just beautiful!!

  10. I just saw that post & got worried ~ So Happy Blogger decided to Straighten Up & Act Right... It can be So Frustrating ~ Love this Weather, Not sure if I want the almost 80 this weekend, but I guess I can make do.... So glad to know your still around, back soon ~

  11. Morning Debbie- Just checking in from the UP-it is gorgeous up here too. I am in the same boat as you and I have NOT hauled any of ny Autumn stuff out yet. I don't know why either-working more hours (like you) and busy....?

    I love your photos and I would HATE to have you not be able to Blog! I'm hooked on your blog now! Hugs- Diana

  12. Hi Debbie.... Oops~ sorry you missed them, they were taken right off the wall of the home I cleared out ~ I have SO Much stuff to list, My little place looks like a tornado went thru it, just piles & boxes everywhere. I stayed up All night long & listed about 20 new things on etsy & a few on ebay, I finally went to bed this morning at 7:30, at least I slept for 3 hours & up again ~ I am going to list All the stuff in those photos today ~ The Listings just seem to take me ForEver! Not sure how some of these people do it, that have 100's of items listed.... anyway ~ the hooks will be on etsy later today, just in case.....
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!

  13. Glsd to have you back Debbie. I too had problems with pictures on Wednesday. I've not posted a lot because I've been so busy with my son's room, which is done for now.

    I can't seem to get into decorating for fall either, but I think it's because of all the upheaval of rooms in our house. When stuff is stacked in rooms it doesn't belong in, it's pretty hard to decorate LOL!
