Hello to all of you ladies that LOVE to spend hours hunting for treasures at yard sales, garage sales, auctions, and flea markets!!
Every Memorial Day (weekend) it's a tradition here at the lake to go yard sailing. We locate the largest vehicle(preferably the size of a yacht), and head out at about eight o'clock in the morning.

You must "sail" through each sale, so that you don't miss the best stuff at the next place.
I cannot believe the good deals this year! The wicker headboard was $5.00!!!! $5.00!!!! Wooohoooo!!! Another person was looking at it, and the second she walked away I called "dibs".

Then there were these three sea shells that I absolutely had to have....after walking around them for about five minutes, I picked them up to look at them closer. I thought they were fake. But after my close inspection, I realized they were REAL! The owner was watching me, but wasn't sure I was going to take them...so she said she'd give them to me for a good price...hmmmm.....when she said 50cents for all three, I almost laughed out loud! But, I graciously took them off her hands, ran around the corner of her house, and jumped up and down!

The further we "sailed" the better the buys. The round mirror...a buck! The glass pitcher...a dollar! The blue dessert dish...25cents! The blue glass bowl with the other shells...one dollar! The loofah's $2.00. Net...fifty cents.

Then there was the box of vintage fabrics....oh my, how I love vintage fabrics!!! Ten dollars...maybe a little high, but so worth it to me. The large suit case I got for $5.00, and the round for $10. They were originally $20 a piece.
The two glass shell dishes sitting on the fabric...50cents. The wire frame from a small lamp shade....ten cents.
I also found a beautiful beachy wind chime....$5.00.
My friend, Veniesa, also found steal of deals.
The trunk, and back seat of her yacht were full. So we headed home...all giddy about our purchases. I was holding the round case on my lap....gently petting it...almost in tears, because I was soooooooooo happy to have it!
It was a great morning!
After returning home, Hubby and I climbed onto our real boat, and headed out for an afternoon on the lake.....
Life is good.